Great Lakes region (North America)

The Great Lakes region of North America, includes the eight U.S. states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well as the Canadian province of Ontario. The region borders the Great Lakes and forms a distinctive historical, economic, and cultural region. The Great Lakes Commission, authorized by the eight American states and Ontario, confirmed by the Canadian and American federal governments recognizes a formal U.S. - Canadian International Great Lakes Region, with the additional inclusion of the Canadian Province of Quebec.

The Great Lakes Region takes its name from the corresponding geological formation of the Great Lakes Basin, a narrow watershed encompassing The Great Lakes, among watersheds to the region's north (Hudson Bay), west Mississippi, east and southOhio. To the east, the rivers of St. Lawrence, Richelieu, Hudson, Mohawk and Susquehanna splay an arc of watersheds east to The Atlantic.

The Great Lakes region, as distinct from The Great Lakes Basin, defines a unit of political defined by the sub-national political states and Province of Ontario encompassing the Great Lakes watershed, and bordering one or more Lakes. In the region's economy, ecology, politics, culture, demographics and history, the Canadian Province of Quebec is as important as New York or Pennsylvania, with which Quebec plays analogous economic and transporation roles. Because of its distinctive Francophone culture, linguistic politics, history as the colonial seat of New France, and dually instituted established denominations, however, Quebec requires its own regionality, as The Dominion of Canada administratively affords it.

A similar case might be made for the American State of Iowa, which was settled contemporaneous with the American states of the region; and whose inclusion would make a neater geography approaching a rectangle. Like Quebec, however, Iowa does not border one or more Lakes. Also like Quebec, the former Lower Canada, Iowa has a distinctive, separate jurisdictional origin, less related to the political, economic, and technological bi-national and intra-regional cross-currents that lend the region its distinctiveness.



Prior to European settlement, Iroquoian people lived around Lakes Erie and Ontario, Algonquian peoples around most of the rest, and a variety of other indigenous nation-peoples including the Lakotan, Ojibwa, Illinois, Pottawatmie, Huron, Shawnee, Erie, Fox, Crow and Ho-Chunk (Winnebago). With the first permanent European settlements in the early seventeenth century, all these nation-peoples developed an extensive fur trade with French, Dutch, and English merchants in the St. Lawrence, Hudson and Mohawk Valleys, and Hudson's Bay, respectively.

Fur monopolies and exploration for the fabled Northwest Passage to Asia generated intense competition among the three most powerful northwest Europe imperial nations to control the territory. A century and a half of naval and land wars among France, The Netherlands and Britain resulted finally in British control of the region, from the Ohio River to the Arctic, and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, beyond which boundaries claims remained disputed among Britain, France, Spain and Russia.

Britain defeated France decisively near Quebec City in 1759, and the 1763 Peace of Paris ceded the entire region to the victor. Britain's claims were intensely disputed by a confederation of Indians during Pontiac's Rebellion, which induced major concessions to still sovereign Indian nations; and by the Iroquois Confederacy, whose six member nations -- Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cuyoga, Seneca and Tuscorora -- never conceded sovereignty to either Britain or, later, The United States.

During the American Revolution, the region became was contested between Britain and rebellious American colonies. Hoping for favorable claims of territorial control in an eventual peace treaty with Britain, American adventurers attacked and sometimes occupied European settlement, including Kaskaskia and Vincennes, at times with support from Francophone inhabitants. In the 1784 peace treaty between The United States and Britain, the area bounded by the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and the Great Lakes, was ceded to the United States, although Britain retained control over forts and the region's principal value for European markets, the fur trade.

During the Confederacy Period of 1781-1789, the Continental Congress passed three ordinances whose authority was unclear regarding the region's governance on the American side. The Ordinance of 1784 established the broad outlines of future governance. The territory would be divided into six state, which would be given broad powers of constitutional instituting, and admitted to the nation as equal members. The Ordinance of 1785 specified the manner in which land would be distributed in the Territory, favoring sale in small parcels to settlers who would work their own farms.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 defined the political protocols by which American states south of the lakes would enter the union as political equals with the original thirteen colonies. The ordinance, adopted in its final form just before the writing of the United States Constitution, was a sweeping, visionary proposal to create what was at the time a radical experiment in democratic governance and economy. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery, restricted primogeniture, mandated universal public education, provided for affordable farm land to people who settled and improved it, and required peaceful, lawful treatment of the Indian population. The ordinance prohibited the establishment of state religion and established civic rights that foreshadowed the United States Bill of Rights. Civil rights included freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, trial by jury, and exemption from unreasonable search and seizure. States were authorized to organize constitutional conventions and petition for admission as states equal to the original thirteen. Five states evolved from its provisions: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The northeastern section of Minnesota, from the Mississippi to St. Croix River, also fell under ordinance jurisdiction and extended the constitution and culture of the Old Northwest to the Dakotas. The surge of settlement generated tension culminating in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794.

Britain, fearing that fast American settlement could lead to annexation of its western provinces, countered with The Constitution Act of 1791, granting limited self-government to Canadian provinces, and creating two new provinces out of Canada: Lower Canada (today's Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario).

Settlement and economic expansion on both sides accelerated after the 1825 opening of The Erie Canal, an astonishingly successful public venture that effectively integrated markets and commerce between the Atlantic seaboard and the region. The region on both sides of the border became a vast research and design laboratory for agricultural machinery and techniques. Owner-operator family farms transformed both demographics and ecology into a vast terrain of farmlands, producing primarily wheat and corn. In western New York and northeast Ohio, the St. Lawrence, Mohawk, and Hudson rivers provided outlets for commercial corn and wheat, while The Ohio River let agricultural products from western Pennsylvania and southern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois journey downstream to New Orleans. Mining, primarily soft metals of copper, zinc, and lead; and timer to supply rapidly expanding sawmills that supplied lumber for new settlements.

Agricultural and industrial production generated distinctive political and social cultures of independent republican producers, who consolidated an ideology of personal liberty, free markets, and great social visions, often expressed in religious terms and enthusiasms. The region's alliance of antislavery with free soil movements contributed troops and agricultural goods that proved critical in the Union's victory. The Homestead and Morrill Acts, donating federal land to extend the agrarian economic franchise, and support state universities, modeled western expansion and education for all future states.

The British-Canadian London Conference of 1866, and subsequent Constitution Act of 1867 analogously derived from political, and some military, turmoil in the former jurisdiction of Upper Canada, which was renamed and organized in the new dominion as the Province of Ontario. Like the provisions of the ordinance, Ontario prohibited slavery, made provisions for land distribution to farmers who owned their own land, and mandated universal public education.

Industrial production, organization, and technology have made the region among the world's most productive manufacturing centers. Nineteenth century proto-monopolies such as International Harvester, Standard Oil, and United States Steel established the pattern of American centralized industrial consolidation and eventual global dominance. The region hosted the world's greatest concentrations of production for oil, coal, steel, automobiles, synthetic rubber, agricultural machinery, and heavy transport equipment. Agronomy industrialized as well, in meat processing, packaged cereal products, and processed dairy products. In response to disruptions and imbalances of power resulting from so vast a concentration of economic power, industrial workers organized the Congress of Industrial Organizations, a coherent agricultural cooperative movement, and the Progressive politics led by Wisconsin's Governor and Senator Robert LaFollette. State universities, professional social work, and unemployment and workers' compensation were some of the region's permanent contributions to American social policy.

The Great Lakes region has produced globally influential breakthroughs in agricultural technology. Cyrus McCormick's reaper, John Deere's steel plow, and the grain elevator are some of the notable inventions. Case Western Reserve University and the University of Chicago figured prominently in developing nuclear power. Automobile manufacture developed simultaneously in Ohio and Indiana and became centered in the Detroit area of Michigan. Henry Ford's movable assembly line drew on regional experience in meat processing, agricultural machinery manufacture, and the industrial engineering of steel in revolutionizing the modern era of mass production manufacturing. Chicago-based Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck companies complemented mass manufactures with mass retail distribution.

Chicago and Detroit carry important roles in the field of architecture. William LeBaron Jenney was the architect of the first skyscraper in the world; The Home Insurance Building in Chicago is the first skyscraper because of the use of structural steel in the building. This setup Chicago to this day to hold some of the world's greatest architecture. Less famous, but equally influential, was the 1832 invention of balloon-framing in Chicago that replaced heavy timber construction requiring massive beams and great woodworking skill with pre-cut timber. This new lumber could be nailed together by farmers and settlers who used it to build homes and barns throughout the western prairies and plains. Wisconsin-born, Chicago-trained Sullivan apprentice Frank Lloyd Wright designed prototypes for architectural designs from the commercial skylight atrium to suburban ranch house.

Contributions to modern transportation include the Wright brothers' early airplanes, distinctive Great Lakes freighters, and railroad beds constructed of wooden ties and steel rails. The early nineteenth century Erie Canal and mid-twentieth century St. Lawrence Seaway expanded the scale and engineering for massive water-born freight.

The Roman Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church, and Lutheran synods became influential. In most settlements, congregations formed the social infrastructure that supported parish and common township schools, local boards and commissions, and an increasingly vital social life.

Agricultural associations gave rise to the nineteenth century Grange, which in turn generated the agricultural cooperatives that defined much of rural political economy and culture throughout the region. Fraternal, ethnic, and civic organizations extended cooperatives and supported local ventures from insurance companies to orphanages and hospitals. The region was the political base, and provided much leadership political parties in the region.

The region's greatest institutional contributions were industrial labor organization and state educational systems. The Big Ten Conference memorializes the nation's first region in which every state sponsored major research, technical-agricultural, and teacher-training colleges and universities. The Congress of Industrial Organizations grew out of the region's coal and iron mines; steel, automobile and rubber industries; and breakthrough strikes and contracts of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.

During World War II, the region became a major national producer of wartime materials, contributing motorized equipment from jeeps to tanks, as well as increased supplies of cereals and processed meat.


Great Lakes region
State or Province
2008 GDP
of USD
New York &100000000011444810000001,144,481 25.2
Illinois &10000000000633697000000633,697 14.0
 Ontario &10000000000584460000000584,460 12.9
Pennsylvania &10000000000553301000000553,301 12.2
Ohio &10000000000471508000000471,508 10.4
Michigan &10000000000382544000000382,544 8.4
Minnesota &10000000000262847000000262,847 5.8
Indiana &10000000000254861000000254,861 5.6
Wisconsin &10000000000240429000000240,429 5.3
TOTAL &100000000045281280000004,528,128 100.00

Navigable terrain, waterways, and ports spurred an unprecedented construction of transportation infrastructure throughout the region. The region is a global leader in advanced manufacturing and research and development, with significant innovations in both production processes and business organization. John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil set precedents for centralized pricing, uniform distribution, and controlled product standards through Standard Oil, which started as a consolidated refinery in Cleveland. Cyrus McCormick's Reaper and other manufacturers of agricultural machinery consolidated into International Harvester in Chicago. Andrew Carnegie's steel production integrated large-scale open-hearth and Bessemer processes into the world's most efficient and profitable mills. The largest, most comprehensive monopoly in the world, United States Steel, consolidated steel production throughout the region. Many of the world's largest employers began in the Great Lakes region.

Mass marketing in the modern sense was born in the region. Two competing Chicago retailers—Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck—developed mass marketing and sales through catalogues, mail-order distribution, and the establishment of their brand names as purveyors of consumer goods. The region's natural features, cultural institutions, and resorts make it a popular destination for tourism.

Advantages of accessible waterways, highly developed transportation infrastructure, finance, and a prosperous market base make the region the global leader in automobile production and a global business location. Henry Ford's movable assembly line and integrated production set the model and standard for major car manufactures. The Detroit area emerged as the world's automotive center, with facilities throughout the region. Akron, Ohio became the global leader in rubber production, driven by the demand for tires. Over 200 million tons of cargo are shipped annually through the Great Lakes.[1][2][3]

According to the Brookings Institution, if it stood alone as a country, the Great Lakes economy would be one of the largest economic units on earth (with a $4.5-trillion gross regional product). It contains most of an area urban planners have viewed as an emerging Great Lakes Megalopolis which has an estimated 54 million people. Furthermore, Greater Montreal, a major metropolitan area in the Canadian province of Quebec, links to the region along the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Population centers

Rank Area State/
2009 population
2025 population
Projected increase
1 Chicago IL-IN-WI 9,804,845 10,935,100 1,130,255
2 Toronto ON 5,741,400 7,408,000 1,666,600
3 Detroit MI 5,327,764 6,191,000 863,236
4 Montreal QC 3,859,300 4,246,931 387,631
5 Minneapolis – Saint Paul MN-WI 3,604,460 4,031,000 426,540
6 St. Louis MO-IL 2,892,874 3,049,000 156,126
7 Cleveland OH 2,891,988 3,172,000 280,012
8 Pittsburgh PA 2,445,117 2,168,818 -267,299
9 Cincinnati OH-KY-IN 2,214,954 2,448,000 233,046
10 Indianapolis IN 2,064,870 2,406,000 341,130
11 Columbus OH 2,031,229 2,446,450 415,221
12 Milwaukee WI 1,760,268 1,913,000 157,732
13 Ottawa – Gatineau ON-QC 1,451,415 1,596,556 145,141
14 Grand Rapids MI 1,327,366 1,530,000 202,634
15 Buffalo NY 1,203,493 1,040,400 -163,093
16 Rochester NY 1,149,653 1,078,600 -71,053
17 Dayton OH 1,066,261 1,066,261 0
18 Hamilton ON 740,200 954,858 214,658
19 Toledo OH-MI 672,220 672,220 0
20 Madison WI 628,947 820,483 191,563
21 Lansing MI 523,609 547,325 23,716
22 Kitchener – Waterloo ON 492,400 635,196 142,796
23 London ON 492,200 634,938 142,738
24 Fort Wayne IN 414,315 414,315 0
25 St. Catharines – Niagara ON 404,400 521,676 117,276
26 Windsor ON 330,900 426,861 95,961
Total CSA/CMA of major metro areas US-Canada 56,697,186 62,957,444 6,260,258

See also



  • Cronon, William (1991). Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, W.W. Norton. pp. 333–340.

Further reading

External links